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Warwickshire Stitchers at Compton Verney Textile Fair

We exhibited our work in the beautiful Chapel at Compton Verney and managed to cover just about every available surface with work demonstrating a wide variety of techniques, in both 2D and 3D, and in all shapes and sizes, as you can see in these photos.

Thank you to all our visitors, who showed a keen interest in the work, and many of whom paid us some lovely compliments.

We are also happy to welcome new members who were inspired by what they saw.

Looking towards the gallery

Travelling Books and Sample Books

A selection of work inspired by workshops given by visiting textile artists

Animals and birds

Japanese boro-style jacket and items using recycled fabrics

‘Coral creations’ and ‘Forest floor’ displays and textured tags

A small selection of work by Warwickshire Young Stitchers (ages from 6 years)