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April Members’ Day – ‘Nine’

This was a lovely, relaxed day, with members doing what we love – enjoying time stitching and chatting with like-minded friends.

Lucy got us started by sharing details of a panel made by Diane featuring nine flowers – a combination of stitch and applique.

Some members brought in samples made previously …

Cute bugs!

… and quite a few took up the challenge of creating a ‘nine’ panel, which will be completed in due course:

Beautifully painted birds ready for stitching

Alternatively, it was a great opportunity to continue stitching an existing project, and to see what others are working on.

We are continuing to bring all our drinks and food, to avoid too much activity in the kitchen, and ensuring we all stay safe.  It also means more time for stitching!

Thank you Lucy, Diane and everyone who organised the day and made it a great success.