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Fabulous fabric hearts

In her talk on Friday, textile artist Kate Slaughter shared with us how she discovered, created and experimented with colour and texture in her work and the wide range of techniques she has developed, as well as her teaching career and how she used her art to help her overcome chronic illness at one point.

Kate inspired us with mouthwatering images of her stitched work – colourful, lots of hand stitching and texture, and very tactile.

It set us up beautifully for our Zoom workshop on Saturday, making

Manipulated Fabric Hearts

The idea was to incorporate traditional techniques, like pleating, ruching, smocking with innovative methods to create a textured heart (or circle). We started with a relatively small shape to ensure we could sample each technique fully and ensure a more or less finished piece at the end of the day.  Kate guided us carefully through each step, and provided the perfect way to spend a day for anyone who loves fabric, texture and hand stitch.

These are our close-to-finished pieces at the end of the session …

just waiting for the addition of French knots to round them off   .  .  .  .  .