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July Stitch Challenge

Coral Stitch

Coral stitch is also known as German Knotted Stitch and Snail Trail. It is primarily a line stitch but it also creates good spirals and circles, a little like couching.

This month’s samples are courtesy of Wendy H, who explains as follows:

In the first sample I experimented with different thread thicknesses, direction and creating loops between the knots to give texture:

Coral stitch lends itself nicely to a spiral shape:

I’ve used a combination of linear stitching and spirals to create this piece:


To start, bring up the needle from back of fabric at A:

Lay thread in the direction of travel and insert needle to the left of the laid thread at B. Pull gently through to the back allowing a loop to form on the right side of the fabric:

Bring the needle back through to the right of the laid thread and through the formed loop C:

Gently pull the needle through and guide the thread to form a knot on the surface of the fabric:

Start the next stitch at D. Repeat.

You can also find tutorials on Pinterest and YouTube.

Happy Stitching!

Thank you very much, Wendy, for taking the trouble to create this month’s Stitch Challenge.