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A round-up of finished work

Margherita has kindly sent photos of her samples from the last two months’ Stitch Challenge.

This is Seed Stitch – an experiment to see if the image worked in reverse, although it needed the border to make it show up clearly:

and Coral Stitch, here used to depict a tree fern:

Liz has made her boro stitched piece into an attractive and useful pouch:

The last mouse to be seen before they all scamper off to Compton Verney Textile Fair in November is Christine B’s ‘Claudine’, who has clearly been shopping for supplies:

We are hoping that Compton Verney will be a showcase of lots of the members’ work that has been featured in our Blog over recent months, as well as much more that is still under wraps … Here’s a reminder of some of the now-finished work that will also be making an appearance:

Jenny’s lovely piece from Jessie Chorley’s workshop:

and some very tactile hearts and circles, thanks to Diane, Judi, Shay, Julia and Margherita:

Do keep sharing your photos – we really love to see what other members are doing. 
