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A farewell to 2023

We rounded off 2023 in great style – after our very successful exhibition at the Compton Verney Textile Fair in November, we created a stunning Christmas tree at St Marys, Warwick which was decorated with our fine collection of embroidered hearts …

The “Fanciest Tree” in the Christmas Tree Festival!

It was a great effort by so many members.  Here are a few of the other trees …


… and then to our Christmas Jolly.  Creativity and industry were still to the fore, with a table full of fun and beautiful Christmas items stitched by members,

The Christmas gift tag challenge:

and the pyramid pouches we made in the afternoon – ready to be filled with chocolates or other small gifts: 

We had a great time and now wish everyone a

and a Happy New Year!

* * * * * * * * * * 

P.S. We ease ourselves into 2024 with a “Stitch & Chat” Members’ Day on 6th January, when there’s an opportunity to make an embroidered patch, or simply to enjoy sitting and chatting to other members.