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2024 off to a great start …

Our first Members’ Day of the year on Saturday 6th January was fun, relaxed and creative.

Judi and Wendy, our Members’ Day organisers, did a brilliant job of putting together a project for creating small fabric patches suitable for use in a wide variety of ways (including name badges).  They had made some lovely samples, and provided lots of templates and resources showing how patches could be created simply and effectively (or not, if your preference is for something more elaborate).

Using calico, Bondaweb, watercolour paints and stitch, the results at the end of the session were – as ever – all very different:

We had such a lot of fun making these, and are grateful to Judi and Wendy for their work in organising the session.  It was just what we needed to get us back into the swing of creative stitching.

Finoshed pieces:

Don’t miss!

February – Kate Findlay will be talking about her work.