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Jessie Chorley

On Good Friday we welcomed Jessie Chorley, who answered questions about her work and her creative process, and brought some pieces with her.


Jessie told us that her main motivation is making things, just like her mother, Primmy Chorley, a lifelong artist maker, and her grandmother.

Jessie describes her work as freestyle stitching based around stories.  Her inspiration comes from collecting, drawing, visits to Paris and the markets and small shops there.  It is also found in symbols from everyday life.  Jessie recommends developing ideas by sampling, doodling, drawing in stitch, and not putting in too much at first.  Her own pieces have become simpler over time. She says it’s important to “make time to do the things you want to do” and to stitch every day.

It was good to be able to see Jessie’s work ‘in real life’:


Jessie also brought some printed templates and the threads she uses in her work, which could be purchased along with her new stitch book …

Jessie’s workshop, ‘Stories in Stitch’ the following day was to be one of quiet stitching and creativity.  Some pieces by members at the workshop: