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About Us

What we do

We meet most months on the first Friday for talks and the first Saturday for workshops and members’ days. In 2023-24 meetings continue to be a mix of face-to-face and Zoom.

Talks and Workshops

Talks: 7 pm for 7.15 pm start

Several months of the year we invite an established textile artist to talk to us about their work or a topic of interest. Some of the artists who have given talks recently can be seen on the Calendar of Events and on the Bl0g.

Day Workshops: start at 10 am and finish at 4 pm.

These are usually given by the same artist as the Friday evening talk, on the first Saturday of the month. Workshops cover a wide range of techniques and topics, and are aimed at a variety of skill levels. Again, there are lots of examples on the Blog of recent work produced by members from the workshops.

There is a fee for workshops of £25 per member / £30 for non-members if space permits.

Members’ Days: 10 am – 4 pm

Approximately four times a year we hold a Members’ Day, normally on the first Saturday of the month. These days are more informal, and are organised by members of Warwickshire Stitchers.

All Talks and Members’ Days are included in your membership fee (See below).      

Visitors are welcome to come to talks; fee: £6.

Where we meet: St Mary’s Church Hall, St Mary’s Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1JW.   Google maps.  What3words: decks.mute.prove


We aim to hold exhibitions of members’ work as frequently as practicable.  For several years we have been invited to showcase our work at the two-day Compton Verney Textile Fair in November, which has become a go-to annual event for textile lovers. Some photos from our most recent exhibition can be seen on the Blog.

Travelling Books

The Travelling Book Group, which was started ten years ago in 2014, has begun a new journey in stitch which will last 13 months.  Each of the thirteen members has an 8” x 8” sketchbook which they cover and add an introduction page; they stitch the first piece of work and fix it in the book.  The book is then passed on to the next member in the circle to add the next month’s piece of work, and so on. 

Each month we have a theme, chosen by a member, and everyone interprets it in any way they wish.  The themes for the year are: flower meadows, islands, flight, what lies beneath, maps, text, the night sky, masks, vegetables, webs, architecture, space, and invertebrate sea creatures.

The books will be well travelled by the time they arrive back with their owners, as our group stretches from north Coventry to Bishops Cleave, and Alcester to Southam, and numerous places in-between.

None of our work will be posted on social media, in order to keep it a complete surprise and joy when we receive our books again next August – full of a super collection of small artworks..  They will be available for members to see at our annual meeting in September 2025.

If you wish to challenge yourself to stitch along with us, the flower meadow theme is for July 2024, finishing with invertebrate sea creatures in July 2025.  Maybe you would like to join us when we begin the next journey towards the end of 2025 …

Some pages from a previous round of Travelling Books:

Artist Trading Cards

We have also started a new round of Artist Trading Cards.  There are two groups circulating these credit card-sized textile pieces, which are popular among members wishing to produce little works of art on a regular basis.   

Join us:

Warwickshire Stitchers has been thriving as an independent group for the past three years.  We are very grateful to our members who have supported us and enabled us to grow as a strong, creative textile community.

If you would like to join Warwickshire Stitchers please complete the form below. You will receive an email confirming that the form has been sent to our Membership Secretary, who will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Our membership fee for 2023-24 has been held at £45.

If you are unable to attend face-to-face meetings and would be interested in a Zoom-only membership, please email: Warwickshire Stitchers Secretary.

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Contact us:

If you would like more information about Warwickshire Stitchers please email: Warwickshire Stitchers Secretary.